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Adebayor Lengthen Contract in Arsenal.

Emmanuel Adebayor terminate all speculation about x'self. He set mind on to stay in Arsenal and renew its contract with old it.before klub of Dihubung-Hubungkan Adebayor will leave Arsenal. He/She joint forces with The Gunners[at January 2006. Its game progressively nicely, till many klub interest to it. In this transfer stock, Barcelona and of AC Milan have time to interest and menjajaki purchasing of his heartburning. But, Friday ( 1 / 8), he/she sign up newly with Arsenal, at the same time terminate all speculation about x'self
" Now, I can tell to You, real correct, I have signed up newly with Arsenal," coherent of player of Togo
" I feel very happy here, very pleasant. In this time, my liver with Arsenal. In fact, I have never said to whom even also that me wish to leave this klub. Have never! I very happy with solution we which have reach," sharpness
" My contract in Arsenal still three me and year will add two or three year again. Hence, I very happy become the part of this family," he said
According to him, its relation with manager of Arsene Wenger also very good and nothing;there is no problem. Even, Wenger also becoming its reason to stand at bay in Arsenal
" When me discuss the problem of contract, I have never told to it that me wish to go. He/She know my me to stay in this klub. For me, Wenger is a father. He also my boss. Hence, what ppun which he tell I will execute. My relation with him very strong. Nothing;There is no doubt to the effect that that," tegasnyya.

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