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CR7 Takkan Apologize.

Cristiano Ronaldo affirm x'self of takkan apologize of its statement that x'self treated [by] Manchester United as modern football slave. Ronaldo exactly grip wounded problem which nowadays [is] punching [it]. Knock around wing of serbabisa this [is] experiencing to rehabilitate wounded healing pascaoperasi [of] that engkel.Kontroversi begin from statement of President of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, mentioning Ronaldo [is] the same become modern slave. Cause, its desire to move to Real Madrid [is] always hindered [by] YOU solely just because its YOU sense of belonging. According to him, it is on the right track [to] YOU discharge Ronaldo, if (it) is true pertinent player wish to move to klub. Anyway, YOU will get compensation from transfer of with infinitude
Hearing the opinion, Ronaldo agree statement of Blatter. Its Meaning, he/she (it) is true feel to be enslaved [by] YOU. This progressively trigger controversy, till there [is] pressure [so that/ to be] Ronaldo apologize of its statement. Cause, its statement have hurted and klub of fans which have take care of and enlarge its name
“ I do not willing to discuss that problem again. I have expressed all that I can tell. I am only wishing again get over to injure this. Injure this [is] injuring most hard as long as my career, but I feel optimistis. I hope to rehabilitate this walk better so that I can again exercise,
Deduction of Ronaldo to apologize its statement problem as football slave progressively holding off [him/ it] from [all] supporter of Red Devil. In this time many YOUR supporter which feel gerah and crane to hear dream of Ronaldo play at to strengthen Real Madrid. With salary equal to 120 thousand poundsterling ( [about/around] Rp2,184 milliard) per its week, ironic very if Ronaldo feel x'self as slave. More than anything else signed contract [it] with YOU [doing/conducting] of without constraint of [which/such] [party/ side] even also
Statement of Blatter also get wide [of] reaction [in] English. professional Federation Player ( PFA) carp [him/it]. Some coach also criticize president of FIFA that, one of them coach of Portsmouth, Harry Redknapp. “ Word of Blatter mentioning [all] player obtaining big extraordinary salary do not alter him as modern slave, [is] nonsense. That [is] craziness of eye,” sloping coach of Portsmouth, Harry Redknapp

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