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Operation of Engkel Ronaldo Walk Success.

Manchester - Cristiano Ronaldo may be grateful because operation to overcome to injure [his/its] right engkel walk success. But he still have to experience a period of/to cure which [do] not just
Like reported on previously, that Manchester United winger have to experience operation to heal to injure [his/its] right ankle. Operation [done/conducted] [by] [in] Academic Medical Center [in] Amsterdam, handled direct by expert operate for Niek van of Dijk
Operate for that's which walk success, like laid open [by] YOUR citadel pass [his/its] formal situs. " Indication early operating procedure walk success," bold [of] them like BBC dilansir
Nowadays Ronaldo have to experience a period of/to cure. Early stage, condition of player of have age [to] 23 that year will continue to be watched in one months forwards
" Cristiano will start healing process below/under observation of medical team [of] estimate and klub he will return in a condition fit will be watched by specialist doctor in one months," continue statement of YOUR phak
Refer [at] experience of other player, for the operation of engkel [is] such as those which experienced [by] Ronaldo usually pass the time six week to rehabilitate. He [is] ascertained to call the roll [in] maiden fight [of] YOU to

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